woman marketing to a lawyer

When you’re thinking about marketing to lawyers, you should know that these professionals require a specialized approach. Lawyers don’t sell products; they sell their services. The value of their practice is defined by their expertise and is honed through years of study and experience.

In the legal world, there are thousands of practicing lawyers out there. Each sporting their expertise, all competing for the same set of clients. This means that the competition is high, and they need to set themselves apart through effective marketing. Enter: Marketing firms.

Your marketing company can help law firms advertise their services to the right audience. This in turn can generate leads and increase the revenue of your client. But of course, this isn’t going to be easy.

Lawyers know what they want and ideally, they want someone who knows all about their industry. That way, they can focus on their craft instead of getting your company up to speed on the specifics. You’ll need to do a lot of research to ensure that you’re putting out the right content but, in the end, it’ll be worth it.

In this article, we tell you all you need to know about how to market to lawyers. Keep reading to know more!

Define your target audience

There are many types of lawyers out there and they all have their specialty. Once you know the name of the law firm you want to market your services to, you’ll want to do a deep dive into their specialty.

Learn everything you can about their specialty. One thing you can do is list down some of their competitors and see how they execute their marketing practice. Emulate their best practices and understand what makes them work.

Additionally, you should also know the operating locations of the law firm. Knowing the location is crucial because some states may have their own set of laws. By doing this extra work, you can personalize your services further.

Define their pain points

A part of knowing your market is understanding where your services can come in to improve their workflow. Understanding how your company can help and setting realistic expectations about results is key to getting this law firm as a client.

Show them a presentation of their pain points and how you have the skill set to help them.

What can your services do to help them?

As we’ve already mentioned, knowing the law firm’s pain points is crucial to your pitch.

When it comes to marketing, remember that you’re the expert so be sure to thoroughly explain how your methods can bring them success. Remember to communicate this without all the jargon.

Lawyers Talking To One Another

How can you personalize your approach to selling your services?

Make sure that you’ve done your research before presenting your services. After all, lawyers would prefer working with a company that already knows the ins and outs of their industry. It lessens the hassles and liabilities.

As a marketing company working with a law firm, you want to help them generate leads and close clients through your effective marketing techniques. You can use the following channels below to advertise your expertise:

Social Media

Using social media channels such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter can help generate awareness about your services. It’s not uncommon to find lawyers using these channels to find their next service provider.

Make sure to optimize your profile and post helpful information to show law firms that you know what you’re talking about. These channels also allow your content and your profile to easily be shared amongst other law firms.

Email Marketing

Using your email list of lawyers and maximizing it by putting out helpful content is a great way to improve your marketing efforts. You can use this channel to deliver helpful information straight to your prospect’s inbox.

Referral Marketing

Don’t underestimate the power of referral marketing. Usually, when people ask for referrals, they’re looking for someone who can solve their problems and, hearing a solution come from someone they trust can seal the deal for them.

One way to up your company’s marketing services is to ask your existing clients to refer you to people they know.

For example, if you’ve worked with a law firm before and they were happy with your services, you can ask them to refer you to their network. In return, you can give them a referral bonus.

Traditional Marketing

A strategy most people overlook is the power of using traditional marketing to a law firm you’re marketing to.

Making an effort to meet with a potential client face-to-face can help your case. That way you can gain more information about the legal industry and conduct your business much better. Doing this is also a great way to be more memorable.

People Shaking Hands

How can you maintain the relationship?

Much like how lawyers like keeping good working relationships with their clients, you should also do the same.

One way to do keep in touch with clients is to use your email marketing channels. Continuously send out helpful information and updates about your marketing company.

Try to add small touches of personalization by adding a code that can automatically add the recipient’s name to the email.

Practicing your marketing techniques

We hope that you learned about some of the ways your marketing company can appeal to lawyers. By applying all the techniques, you learned above, we’re sure that you’ll land the client you’re pitching to.

Now, if you want to take your marketing practices a step further be sure to visit our blog for more tips.